IndiBlogger Meet at Bangalore

A fine Saturday evening sometime back found me at the Indiblogger Bangalore Meet at the Microsoft office at Golf Link Embassy. Two quick conclusions –

#1 The meet turned out to be multitudes better than I had expected

#2 Embassy Golf Link is bigger than I had first thought πŸ˜›

Sandy and Mrinal have already done a round-up of the event. Here is my take on it.

To begin with, I was at the venue a cool one and a half hours late. I had never expected it to start on time. When I entered, this gentleman (sorry I forgot his name) was at the podium and the audience were in splits. This was the session where folks were introducing their blogs in their own unique way

The skit by the Indiblogger team was executed well and akismet came out to be the hero in the end!

The ‘identify your blog’ session was amusing too. A random comment was being read out and the blogger had to identify if it was from his/her blog. Perchance, my blog featured too though with a little goof-up. Instead of reading the comment, an excerpt from my post was read. I saved the jig πŸ˜› Yeah, upon identification the blogger had to do a little jig!

There were pizzas courtesy M$ and I was wondering all the time what made M$ sponsor the event. Curiosity was laid to rest when a session on Live Writer started πŸ™‚

This was followed by a session from LeadCap where I could (with all due respect to the idea and the noble thought) not go beyond appreciating the oratory skills of the person in charge. Nonetheless, it triggered a fruitful discussion where blogging ethics (content copy, credit to author etc) and role of blogs in shaping the society were highlighted. Some really amazing ideas were thrown in.

To add to the jolly good mood, a black tee with the slogan “We blog therefore we are” was handed out. Good-byes were exchanged with an intention to visit the blogs mentioned during the evening soon. I have not done that yet reason-being I do not remember many 😐
[ Anyways, when my post (mistaken as a comment) was being read, it was said – “We have a biker amongst ourselves”. Instead of beaming with pride, I went into a contemplative mode as to where/when was my last ride 😐 Well, that is exaggeration to some extent but I am dying to hit the road!

Therefore in spite of loads of work piled up and a deadline on Monday, I am riding to Bandipur and its vicinity during the weekend … err actually in 5 hours from now πŸ™‚ Need to catch some sleep! ]

8 thoughts on “IndiBlogger Meet at Bangalore

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  1. Ahh..lucky you!! I don’t come across any such events happening in Delhi and worse, I don’t know how to get in touch with such organisations.. 😦
    Btw, just came across a society that conducts plays here in Gurgaon so I guess things have begun to look up!! πŸ™‚
    How’d the ride go??

  2. Sam, they do happen in ‘the Rajdhani’ πŸ˜› although less frequently. There was one in Jan I suppose, not sure if anything is lined up for the coming days though!

    Glad that you found that society! πŸ™‚ btw, there is this play called Lucknow ’76 which I am hoping to catch soon.

    And the ride, well it was quite an (mis)adventure πŸ˜‰ will try n post an account soon

  3. Hi Sangfroid, has organized another Bangalore blogger meet exactly a year after the last one. And this is also at the MS office in EGL.

    The IndiBlogger team would like your presence at this meet too and blog about. Please do bring as many blogger friends as you can.

    This time we are also planning for some interesting discussions like “blogger rights”, etc during the meet.

    Hope to you see you at the meet.

    anwin at indiblogger dot in

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