Travel Tales From Yore

The sight of the setting sun in the distance, from atop the ruins, made for a mesmerizing spectacle. The grand Vitthala Temple at the end of the road was a domineering overseer, personified. By the time we were back to our steeds, parked in the local market, dusk had given way to a pitch-dark night.... Continue Reading →

Digest #1, Giving Wings to Dreams

Unlike birdies who tremble at the thought of rain, the overcast skies and the over-night drizzle was anything but a menace to the BSA Tour Of Nilgiris '09 riders' flights of fantasy. Donning their brand new BSA rider jersey, they were seen chirping around at the Koramangala Indoor stadium, which was the venue for an... Continue Reading →

Move (not Rock) On … ?

Disclaimer : This post has nothing to do with the recent blockbuster (so I have heard) 'Rock On'. The similarity in the title with the same is purely coincidental and unintentional. To say that it seems like it was only yesterday would be an exaggeration. The other extreme, that the last two years dragged along... Continue Reading →

Silence! The Court Is In Session

After a slew of not-so-mentionable theater acts that I was a witness to post this, the last one turned the tables 🙂 'Silence! The Court Is In Session' appeared to be a comedy at the outset. A little research (read googling) revealed that this is indeed a Marathi play - 'Shantata! Court Chalu Aahe' adapted... Continue Reading →

‘The Odd Couple’ by Evam

A sad and 'not-so-sad' turn of events forced me to cancel my 4 day ride to Coorg-Calicut-Waynad. Sad because I was really looking forward to it ... picturing myself riding on the ghats, lazing around at kappad beach and surrounded by smoky mist in the lush green hills . That wasn't meant to be and... Continue Reading →

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