The Perplexed Sky

On most occasions, everything seemed hunky-dory. On a few others, seeds of doubt sprouted. The waves of incertitude ebbed and flowed. The window was ajar and the humidity was discomforting. His gaze moved from the undulating river, to the rows of skyscrapers, to the horizon. On this particular day, the skies were clear. His thoughts... Continue Reading →

The Dress Code

Variations in the length of the skirt were conspicuous. With the tropical Bangkok weather, and otherwise too, longer ones seemed out of place. Grapevine was that the length was proportional, inversely, to one's year at the university. On previous occasions, seniors would have been an obvious choice. But now, he has hellbent on a PhD.

A Relentless Pursuit

Like a wayward cloud, he had floated from hither to thither. Although slowing down at times, he was in a relentless pursuit. Of what? - he wasn't too sure. He would have wanted to believe it was happiness. Her advent resulted in certain subconscious changes. For others, he made conscious efforts. Happiness, perhaps, wasn't so... Continue Reading →

Forever and, For Always

She had an uncanny knack of pulling him out of the dumps, no matter what. Her smile, her chuckle, her laugh were his lifeline. He felt smug when she emphasized that he was the reason for her joy. The adverse thought of she being unhappy anguished him. He dreaded such a moment. Forever and, for... Continue Reading →

One Fine Monday

I waited for the sunlight to peep into my room and into my eyes, the way it usually did. It was a cloudy Monday, but. I dreaded the traffic. Then I saw her face. In her eyes, I drowned. Her lips, I yearned to kiss. Her fragrance, I longed for. Traffic worries were lost into... Continue Reading →

Girl Thing

Upon receiving the phone call, she headed straight to the pier. Serene skies and a bright blue sea greeted her. Her gaze was glued to the horizon, pregnant with expectation. The foghorn sounded and with it the hull came into view. She said a silent prayer. At the sight of her jewellery box, her eyes... Continue Reading →

Against Odds

He had begun to feel that the likelihood of him winning was dismal. Deep inside he had given up. Outside, he portrayed otherwise. How he wished it was the other way around! He evaded questions on preparedness. In the press-meet just before the match, he seemed lost. The game didn't last long. Hands-down, he won.

The Mayans Were Right

Dad : It's simple. Either you want to marry or you don't. If you do, then this is the perfect age. He : Perfect? Sis : You've had your share of fun. Now, settle down! He : Fun? Mom : Give me the number of that girl. I'll talk. He : Which girl? Doom is... Continue Reading →

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